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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cherokee Nation Online Scavenger Hunt

1. What was the most important food that the Cherokee people ate?

Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

           Turkey                               Corn                          Bison                 

2. Who was responsible for planting the fruits and vegetables (agriculture)?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

           Women                              Men                         Children

3. What material was used to make Cherokee people's clothing?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

           Bearskin                         Deerskin                        Cloth

4. What natural resource was used to make Cherokee winter round homes?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

           Deerskin                          Stone                           Wood

5.  What is a clan?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

    A type of money               A group of animals          A family of related people

6.  Why did the Cherokee people hunt?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

    For trading furs                       For sport                  For feeding their families

7. What was the most important building in each Cherokee village?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

      Sweathouse                     Summer house                     Council house
8. In the Cherokee nation, who ruled in the homes?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper. 

          Men                                Women                                Children

9. Why did the Cherokee people make rattles?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

      For babies                     For protection               For scaring away evil spirits

10.  Which of these tools was NOT used by the Cherokee people?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.
        Spears                             Swords                              Blowguns

11.  Which president supported the "Indian Removal Act" that was passed in 1830?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

   Thomas Jefferson               Abraham Lincoln                 Andrew Jackson

12.  Which of these were NOT some of the Cherokee people's battle techniques?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

        Hit and run                     War parties                   Surrounding the enemy

 13.  How many Cherokee people died on the "Trail of Tears?"
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

           1,000                                4,000                               8,000

14.  What of these things did the Cherokee NOT do doing the Booger Ceremony?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.
    Make fun of each other     Dance around in masks        Laugh at Bogart          

15.  In the story "How the Milky Way Came to Be," how did the Cherokee legend explain the creation of the Milky Way Galaxy (stars)?
Click HERE and read. Then, circle the correct answer on your paper.

 White paint in the sky          Diamonds in the sky       Cornmeal from a dog's mouth

Now, try to GUESS THE WORD for these wild plants before the turtle hides in his shell! Go HERE!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Iroquois Nation Online Scavenger Hunt


1.  What was the name of the type of shelter used by the Iroquois?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper. 
   Teepees          Longhouses       Tents   
2.   What did the Iroquois use to measure the longhouses?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper.  
   Camp fires        Cubits            Cubic meters (cm3)
3.  What type of food did the Iroquois save and store?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper.
   Deer             Chicken            Dried fish
4.  What were clans?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper.
   Family groups       Groups of friends        Hunters
5.   Who were the leaders of the clans?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper.
   Fathers               Children                 Mothers
6.   What was used to make the Iroquois clothing?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper.
   Wool                   Deer skin               Cotton
7.  What was the name of the Iroquois men's hairstyles? 
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper. 
   Mohawk                              Mullet                         Curls
8.  How was wampum made ?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper.
   Dyed beads/shells               Money                         Claws
9.   How did the Iroquois Travel?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper.
   By water and on foot          Riding animals            Using wheeled vehicles
10. What was celebrated at the Green Corn Festival?
Click HERE and circle the correct answer on your paper. 
   Harvests                    Hunting                     Families
Now, go to this website and make your own wampum belt online:  wampum belt